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The Mediterranean Association of Sciences and Sustainable Development (Medi-ADD) proudly presents the 10th International Conference on Smart City Applications (SCA2025), a multidisciplinary event taking place November 11-13, 2025. SCA2025 offers an unparalleled opportunity for researchers, students, and industry professionals to connect, collaborate, and share their expertise. We encourage the submission of original research, innovative designs, practical case studies, and forward-thinking concepts related to all aspects of smart cities, including but not limited to: digital twins, geo-smart information systems, smart education and healthcare, digital business and the smart economy, building and home automation, sustainable agriculture and environmental solutions, and cutting-edge information technologies and computer science. Work-in-progress is also welcome.
Accepted papers, respecting springer quality policy, will be published in Volume 9 of the Innovations in Smart Cities and Applications book series (Springer LNNS, pending).
Submission Deadline
Notification of Acceptance
Author Registration
Paper Submission
Manuscripts must follow the Springer template guidelines, including figures, tables, and references. The paper must be prepared by using the template in MS Word or LaTeX as PDF files through CMT System below. The length of papers should not exceed 08 pages.
Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material (max. 15% from all sources + max. 5% from one source), ithenticate tool will be used to detect plagiarism.
Each paper will be reviewed by two/three regular PC members in two rounds of review.
The acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, elegance, practical or theoretical impact, and presentation.
Authors of high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version (60%) of their work for potential publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.
The direct link for paper submission is:
The research paper refers to the following structure :

The conference covers, but is not limited to, the following topics of interest:
- 3D City Modeling and Visualization
- Location Based Services
- Geographic Information Systems
- Remote Sensing
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- Collective Sensing and Geo-spatial Big Data
- Laser Scanning
- Processing of Spatial Imagery
- Geo AI
- Urban Informatics
- Geospatial Cloud Computing
- Fundamentals of Digital Twins
- Core Technologies of Digital Twins
- The architecture of digital twins
- Applications of Digital Twins in Various Sectors
- Digital Twin Tools and Platforms
- The governance of digital twins
- Digital Twins and Sustainability
- Digital Economy
- Digital Business
- Digital Strategy
- Digital Business Models
- Digital Commerce
- Digital Retail
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Supply Chain Management
- Smart Logistics
- Secure Transactions
- Intelligent Infrastructure
- Charging Station Infrastructure
- Roadmaps for Smart Mobility
- Emergency Safe Spots and Safe Harbors
- Digital Road Signage
- Smart Parking
- Autonomous Urbanism
- Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
- Smart Mobility and Sustainable Development
- Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
- Location Intelligence
- Advances in Hydroinformatics
- Innovative Smart Water Grid Applications
- PPP in Smart Water Design and Operations
- Smart Device for Water Supply and Wastewater
- Technologies for Sustainable Water Usage
- Carbon Footprint Assessment and Management in the Water Industry
- Renewable Energy into Water Management Systems
- Natural Disasters Monitoring
- Damage Mapping
- Smart Agriculture
- Hazard Mapping
- Climate Monitoring
- Smart Water Management
- Geographic Information Systems
- Smart & Sustainable Environments
- Smart Waste Management
- Disasters Early Warning System
- Smart learning: Concepts and strategies
- Smart learning environments
- E-learning, smart E-learning
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
- Smart Mobile Learning
- Cloud learning
- Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)
- Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- Digital Art
- Serious Games
- Big Data & Data Analysis for e-Health
- Smart systems for medical monitoring
- Medical Image analysis and processing
- E-Health Architectures
- Wearable devices for E-health
- Wireless Body Area Networks
- Mobile and Telemedecine Applications
- Cloud infrastructures for E-health
- Usability and Ubiquity in E-Health
- Security in E-Health
- Big-data and Data Mining
- Cloud Computing
- Quantum Computing
- Machine and Deep Learning
- Mobile Technologies
- Natural Language Processing
- Image, Video and Speech Processing
- HPC & Parallel Computing
- Collaborative & Complex Networks
- Internet of Things IoT
Steering Committee
- Rani EL MEOUCHE, ESTP, Paris, France
- Rogério Dionisio, Polytechnic Institute Castelo Branco, Portugal
- Domingos Santos, Polytechnic Institute Castelo Branco, Portugal
- İsmail Rakıp Karaș, Karabuk University, Turkey
- Alias Abdul Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Mohamed Wahbi, EHTP Casablanca, Morocco
- Mohammed BOUHORMA, FST, Tangier UAE University, Morocco
- Chaker EL AMRANI, FST, Tangier UAE University, Morocco
- Rachid Saadane, EHTP Casablanca, Morocco
- ALI Youness, FS, Tetouan, Morocco
- Kaoutar BEN AHMED, FIU, Miami, USA
- Paolo Spagnoletti, Luiss University, Roma, Italy
Organizing Committee
- Mohamed Essaaidi, EMSI, Morocco
- Mohamed Ben Ahmed, FST, Tangier, UAE University, Morocco
- Anouar Boudhir Abdelhakim, FST, Tangier, UAE University, Morocco
- Mustapha Harmouzi, Medi-ASDD, Morocco
- Aziz Mahboub, FSTT, UAE, Morocco
- Badr Eddine Boudriki, FSTT, UAE, Morocco
- Chahboun Asaad , ENSAT, UAE , Morocco
- Ikram Benabdelouahab, FSTT, UAE, Morocco
- Hicham Gibet Tani, FPL, UAE, Morocco
- Lotfi El Achaak, FSTT, UAE, Morocco
- Yassin El Yussfi, FSTT, UAE, Morocco
TPC Committee
TPC Committee
- Bataev Vladimir ,Zaz Ventures, Switzerland
- Behnam Atazadeh, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Bessai-Mechmach Fatma Zohra, CERIST, Algeria,
- Beyza Yaman, Dublin City University, Ireland
- Biswajeet Pradhan, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Carlos Cambra, Universidad de Burgos, Spain
- Chahboun Asaad , UAE University, Morocco
- Damir Žarko, Zagreb University, Croatia
- Darko Stefanovic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Domingos Santos; IPCB, Portugal, France
- Edward Duncan, The University of Mines & Technology, Ghana
- Eehab Hamzi Hijazi, An-Najah University, Palestine
- Eftal Şehirli, Karabuk University, Türkiye
- El Mhouti Abderrahim, FST, Al-Hoceima, Morocco
- El Hebeary Mohamed Rashad, Cairo University, Egypt
- Enrique Arias Castilla-La Mancha University, Spain
- Faiza DIB , FSTH, UAE University, Morocco
TPC Committee
- Filip Biljecki, National University of Singapore
- Francesc Anton Castro, Technical University of Denmark
- Ghulam Ali Mallah, Shah Abdullatif University, Pakistan
- Gibet Tani Hicham, FP UAE University, Morocco
- Habibullah Abbasi, University of Sindh, Pakistan
- Ihab Hijazi, An-Aajah National University And Technical University of Munich
- Isam Shahrour, LilLe University France
- J. Amudhavel, VIT Bhopal University, Madhya Pradesh, India
- Jaime Lioret Mauri Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
- José Javier Berrocal Olmeda, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
- Jus Kocijan, Nova Gorica University, Slovenia
- Khoudeir Majdi IUT, Poitiers university, France
- Labib Arafeh, Al-Quds University, Palestine
- Loncaric Sven, Zagreb University, Croatia
- Lotfi Elaachak, FSTT, UAE, Morocco
- Mademlis Christos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Maria Joao Simões, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
- Mónica Costa, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugale
- Mohamed El Ghami, University of Bergen, Norway
- Muhamad Uznir Ujang, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- MAHBOUB Aziz, FSTT UAE University Morocco
TPC Committee
- My Lahcen Hasnaoui, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco
- Nabil BENAYA, FSTH, UAE University, Morocco
- Omer Muhammet Soysal, Southeastern Louisiana University, USA
- Ouederni Meriem ,INP - ENSEEIHT Toulouse, France
- Rachmad Andri Atmoko, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
- R. S. Ajin, DEOC DDMA, Kerala, India
- Rani El Meouche, Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, France
- Rui Campos INESC-TEC, Porto, Portugal
- Rogério Dionisio, Polytechnic Institute Castelo Branco, Portugal
- Sagahyroon Assim, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
- Saied Pirasteh, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Senthil Kumar, Hindustan College of Arts and Science, India
- Sonja Ristic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Sonja Grgić, Zagreb University, Croatia
- Sri Winiarti, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
- Suhaibah Azri, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Sunardi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
- Xiaoguang Yue, International Engineering and Technology Institute, Hong Kong
- Yasyn Elyusufi, FSTT, UAE, Morocco
- Youness Dehbi, University of Bonn, Germany
- ZAIRI Ismael Rizman, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
P.O.Box No. Tanger, Morocco
Tangier, Morocco
+212 625 254 026